The Big Cloud Scam

I’ll be blunt, the cloud is both a dangerous place and a bad decision. Your data, and that of your customers, is never more at risk than when it’s in the cloud.

Be warned, this is a bit of a rant.

It’s not just security that’s the issue however, it’s also productivity and cost.

With todays technology it has never been easier and more secure for a business or individual to build their own safe and secure IT infrastructure, internally.

For example, I’m working on a MacBook Pro running MacOS. I have Microsoft SQL Server set up and running even though MS don’t do SQL Server for MacOS.

What does that mean…?

I download a file from the internet, opened it in a piece of software called Docker, filled in a very basic form, clicked play and I have it running…

On any operating system.

The whole process is easier than installing SQL Server out of the box on a Windows machine.

As I said, it’s never been cheeper and easier to do your own thing than it is now.

The huge server farms operated by big cloud providers virtualise networks, servers and functionality using the very same tools available to us all.

Without getting too technical, the functionality out there to “do it ourselves” delivers brilliantly on the same promises of simplicity, security and performance that the cloud promises but never delivers.

It’s not a criticism… a cloud based solution is always going to be slower due to basic physics. It will always be less secure due to being accessible to the world.

And of course the fact it’s designed to be vulnerable.

On to the Scam then

  • Security: Security is both difficult and expensive, having it centralised in large corporations is a good idea because they have the necessary skills and resources.
  • Availability: It’s easier to guarantee availability due to availability of functionality most companies couldn’t afford, such as mirrored server farms etc.
  • Cost: Cloud products have been broken down into the smallest billable units going.
    It’s incredible. Services like AWS and Microsoft Azure are now much more expensive than than what we paid before the cloud.
    And somehow it’s become much massively more complicated to do the simplest things.
    We are now being billed by the processor cycle. A cost far greater than you might think. Many people have received bills from providers running into tens of thousands where previously they paid less than a hundred.
    A simple bug, like an infinite loop or even a heavily used but badly written SQL query, can result in bill large enough to break most.
    If that bug was on your own server the cost of the extra electricity would be tiny in comparison to the unexpected compute cost in the cloud.

The Legal System

One Last thing (funny)