Custom Software Solutions

Bitgen Software Limited

The one-stop solution for everything from application and website development, e-commerce, SEO and data migrations to control and validation, reporting and analysis.


Ready to help with…

Database Design & Development

From large multi-user database servers to ultra fast and ultra secure encrypted local first solutions.

Whether its full blown database server or a bloated spreadsheet, make the most of your data, keep it safe, clean and available… most of all keep it close.

E-Commerce & Online Stores

Built on Shopify, the most popular and robust online and onsite trading platform.

With over 5 million active stores you can be sure the code is solid and secure.

Prices start from £350 for a starter store with a personal (on-line) 2 hour orientation and training session.

Health & Safety Systems and Controls

Experienced in chemical, radiological and mechanical engineering as well as sporting event management and various white collar environments.

Bitgen can help with everything from simple logging to full blown hazard management, identification and mitigation.

Financial & Management Accounting

Everything from automated reconciliation tools, spreadsheet validation mailboxes and regulatory reporting to analytics, data validation and migration.

With experience in banking, insurance, healthcare, small and large businesses Bitgen is ready to help pin down the detail and help your business achieve full data clarity.

Regulatory Reporting

Automated reporting systems for any suitable source data, whether it’s from an engineering or financial services environment, small or large business.

Web and Web Application Development

Fully hosted website solutions from WordPress content management to custom built Node applications utilising the latest advances in web and web application development.

Code you can trust…

Whether it’s data manipulation, an online shop, a user interface or general functionality… all code is optimised for performance and best practices providing greener, more cost effective solutions.

Friendly, reliable service…

Helping clients find their way to optimal solutions for more than twenty years. We don’t just think out of the box, we get out and get on with it.

Whether you know what you want or don’t know where to start drop us a message for a chat and a free no obligation quote.

Prices by the hour, day or job with 1 years free support for all code delivered.


Living the Dream


Code Monkey

Side Tracking…
